
EnglishTutorship 215 0

真是美好的一天!关于我的一天英语 日记 50字相关 文章 1 关于我的一天英语日记80词 2 关于我的一天英语作文 3 介绍自己的英语作文50字 4 我的假期英语作文50词欣赏 5 关于我的一天小学英语作文。

1Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s houseI played with my cousinSuddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest“that’s a good idea” I saidThen we prepared for the。

英语日记50词1 Today I found time was a cruel thing Whatever man is, time always goes on It won’t stay to wait for somebody You can’t use anything to exchange time Time is also a fair thin。

正因为如此,我写英语日记都是在早上八点但在过去的晚上我还是要在晚上写任何人,如果你能完成这项工作得很快,不要偷懒,尽自己最大的努力4I had a good time last weekend On Sunday morning, I stayed at。


楼主自己删改一下 1All of us were very happyWhy?Because we have two days to do things we love to doWe are freeAlthough we have some homeworkBut we can finish them in several daysAnd the rest。


标签: #英语日记40字

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