
EnglishTutorship 151 0

2缺乏逻辑性还有一些同学在作自我介绍时,要么只说两句话名字,年龄要么夸夸其谈但缺乏逻辑性别看简简单单的一个自我介绍有时也能反映出一个人的逻辑思维和做事态度英语自我介绍7 My name is My Chinese n。


小学英语用十句话自我介绍例举一Hello,every! My name is Lihua My English name is Helen I have two bright eyes and short hair I#39m twelve I`m from Shenzhen city,ChinaThere are three people in。

简单的英文自我介绍1 Good afternoon I am of great hornor to stand here and introduce myself to you First of all ,my english name is and my chinese name is If you are going to have a job interview 。


Hello, everyone I#39m from XXXX I graduated from XXXX I am a very optimistic girl大家好,我来自XXXX,我毕业于XXXX我是一个十分乐观的女孩The biggest characteristic is persistence As long as it is t。

My name is Xiao Ming I am a caring, cheerful and kindhearted girl who like to help others without thinking about in return Have a happy family, my parents love me very much and I love them tooI。


标签: #10句英语自我介绍简易

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