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介绍自己的英语作文5句话如下Hello,everybody My name is LiMing I come from HeNan province in China嗨,大家好我的名字叫李明,我来自中国河南I am very happy to come here to study with you我很高兴。

自我介绍英语作文Hello! My name is xx My English name is Joy I#39m 14 years old I#39m a happy girl I have a happy family My father and my mother are both office workers They#39re busy But。

我名叫xx,今年八岁,我有一张小小的脸,圆圆的耳朵小小的眼睛透出一股聪明劲I have many advantages For example, I love work Sometimes I see my mother tired I go up to help my mother with the。

英语作文自我介绍5句话分享To introduce myself Hello,every one!My name is XXX I#39m a 19 years old girl I live in the beautiful city of XXX I#39m an active ,lovely and clever girl不知道如何写作。

早上好,我很荣幸有机会参加面试我希望我今天能有一个好的表现现在让我简单介绍一下我自己我的名字叫伊奥明I am from fangchenggang guangi province I am outgoing person I like working with people and。

I have a cheerful personality, get along well with others, start and finish my work well, can withstand the increasingly serious competitive pressure, and can improve myself in success and failure本人性格开朗。



Hello everyone,大家好My name is XXX我叫XXXI am ten years old我10岁了I am from Shen Zhen Nankai school 我是深圳南开学校的I am in class 3 grade 4我是4年级3班的I like reading。

To introduce myself介绍我自Hello,every one!家My name is *** 我叫***I#39m a 15 years old boy 我15岁男孩具体情况自改I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao我住美丽Rizhao城。


如下hello everyone! My Chinese name is Chen Yuheng You can also call me Steven in English大家好!我的中文名字叫陈玉恒,你也可以用英语叫我史蒂文I come from Wuhan Yucai boarding school Today, I want。

I#39m 11 years oldNow,I#39m a 6 grade student in the primary schoolMy favorite toy is dollMy best friend is The story of bugsis my favorite book。

翻译如下5句话自我介绍Self introduction请允许我自我介绍,我叫李华很高兴见到你我喜欢钓鱼和狩猎,但是我不喜欢游泳我家有3口人,爸爸,妈妈和我,我还养了一条狗我是学计算机专业的May I introduce my。

写作思路确立自我介绍的中心,围绕学业工作等进行介绍,正文Good morning,everyone Thank you for taking your time It’s really my honor to have this opportunity to take part in this interview Now,I。

当来到一个陌生的地方时,可能需要我们进行自我介绍,自我介绍是结识新朋友的重要手段怎么写自我介绍才能避免踩雷呢?以下是我帮大家整理的英语自我介绍,欢迎大家分享 英语自我介绍1 Hello, everyone! My name is XXX My Chinese name。


10句英语自我介绍篇一My name is I am a caring, cheerful and kindhearted girl who like to help others without thinking about in return I have a happy family, my parents love me very much and。

介绍自己的卧室英文5句话如下I have a very nice bedroom, it is not large, but it is warm The walls are white, the doors are green, windows are very bright Below the windows, there is a table, a。

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